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Multi-organizational seminar


Human Approach to Human Resources Development and Improving Productivity

2 days, 14 hours. Language - English


Participants - Top Managers, Dep. Heads, Personnel managers, Supervisors. 


Rationales. Developing Human Resources, mobilizing their abilities and creative potentials, removing the factors that hinder their professional efficiency are the main sources of growth of organizational productivity. Human capital is the most valuable form of capital of a company, the significance of which is generally underestimated what results in human capitals works in a way far from most effective. To use this capital effectively managers needs special psychological knowledge and skills as well as special attitudes in respect of company's personnel.


Goals. Knowledge of different methods for psychological assessment and practical skills of using these methods. Knowledge of psychological factors both facilitating productivity and hindering productivity. Psychological skills of forming team, rising vocational motivation, mobilizing creative potential of personnel. Shift in attitudes in respect of different models/styles of managers' behaviour. 


Methods. Lecturnars (Combination of lecture and seminar: after each 15 minutes of lecturing, 5 question-answer session); Practical individual and group psychological assessment with cross-validating, Role-playing; Brain storming.




             Day 1. Know your people: Methods for assessing personnel 


1. Introduction: use completely the human potential of your staff. Lecturnar. (1 hour)


2. Methods for assessment: matrices "traits – evaluations". Standardized tests. Two approaches: "key-lock" and Individual working style. Lecturnar  (1 hour) 


3. Individual and group assessment and creating psychological portraits. Exercises  with cross-validating (2 hours)


4. Creating Team: Ideal team and real people. Forming common goal. Distribution of function. Mutually complementarity and interchangeability – reliability of the team.  Lecturnar and Business play (3 hours)


               Day 2. Mobilizing human potential to rising productivity


5. Vocational motivation, theoretical introduction: typology of vocational motives, techniques of assessment, means of influencing, transforming non-work motives in work motives, mobilizing creativity. Lecturnar (1 hour)


6. Influencing and modifying motivation. Practical training with the elements of brain storming (2 hours)


7. Sense of work and sense of live how to converge them. Why this is crucially important. Lecturnar with exercises (1 hour)


8. Joyful training. What prevent training activity – fears, meaninglessness, concurrent competitive activities. Manager-psychologist and manager-teacher. Lecturnar and practical exercises (1 hour)


9. Art of love. Manager-friend. Role playing training (90 minutes)


10. Conclusion (30 minutes)



Registration fee is 396 Euros (including VAT) in a twin room (21 Euros extra for single occupation), dinner, breakfast, 2 lunches, 4 coffee breaks  .


Grant of ΑνΑΔ  - 238 Euros.


Please contact us for registration before ______________


The rules of registration and appropriate forms you may find here.

Το πρόγραμμα εγκρίθηκε από την ΑνΑΔ. Οι επιχειρήσεις/οργανισμοί που συμμετέχουν με εργοδοτούμενούς τους, καθώς και οι άνεργοι, οι οποίοι ικανοποιούν τις προϋποθέσεις της ΑνΑΔ, θα τύχουν της σχετικής επιχορήγησης


The program WAS Approved by The HRDA. Companies/Organizations with their employees and the unemployed, who meet the conditions of the schemes, will qualify for the grants.

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