Magic number 111. I predicted the event of 10 of November ( ). It was not difficult after we saw twice 1 of April and 23 of July (111th and 222th day after begin of the epidemic in first days of December 2019 the sharp changes in behaviour of coronavirus. Thus it was logical to expect that this will repeat after 111 days after 23 of July that is near 10th of November. And indeed this happened. Again the first derivative of the curve of new cases worldwide jumped down. But now not to zero as it did in April and July.
New message. I wrote already several texts (e.g. and ) about what such regular "miracles" mean although I do realize that scientific community would prefer to stop being scientific than consider such texts seriously. Nevertheless I have to continue deciphering the messages we receive.
Resistance of the West. I wrote ( ) that the resistance of the West to understand the messages cannot result in anything else but only in increase of severity of the pandemics. I expected that this will be increase of mortality (similar to decrease of mortality we saw in April). But I partially mistaken, what I called X-Power is kinder – we see now not "inhuman" sharp increase in mortality but smaller drop in the speed of cases. For last 40 days we see that new cases continue increasing although no so quickly as it was in second half of October and first week of November.
What is this? This is a threat. If you will not listen the severity will continue increasing.
Definitely the West does not want to listen, do not want to change the way of life. We are hoping vaccines will help us to end the pandemics. We are speaking about economy, liberties etc. But this is not a question of our wish. This is the question about what must happen that we start listen? How many human beings must die or suffer to make us more attentive?
The meaning. What does X-Power want from us? It wants we change our values: shift fun, comfort, money, consumerism etc from the top of your pyramid of values down and place on the top self-development, self-realization making yourself better. More love and more wisdom and less selfishness. Not too much. But this is too much for us: until now we are preferring to die than to change – a modern kind of heroism.
Read on the topic also: 22/07/2020 (before I learn about second drop which happened exactly 22-24 of July, when the text was written)