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Cyprus Agent Shopping Service

Agents Zone
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Place Order
To place an order you have to
 login / sign-up 
as a customer first. 


How it works

The platform connects the customers, who need the goods to be bought&delivered because they do not want to risk shopping personally, with agents who provide the service. If you need food or something else to be delivered to your door you place the order. Somebody from the registered agents will reply offering his service (what he may buy, when deliver and how much this will cost for you). If you accept the offer you may make prepayment. When you receive the goods you inform us and the prepayment will be released to agent.

Below is the life circle of the single order:

1) The customer places the order: what he needs and when, how he will pay,

2) The agent places the offer: what he may buy, when deliver, and how much it will cost, 

3) The customer accepts the order and prepays the order completely or commission of the platform only,

4) The agent buys and delivers the goods,

5) The customer closes the order and rates the service,

6) If the customer prepaid the order, the Platform transferred money into agent's account.


Please pay the special attention to your risks when you working with the Platform.  Although the Platform tries to minimize the risks but cannot provide 100% guarantee of integrity of both all customers and (especially) all agents. Thus everybody who uses the Platform must take risks.

The Platform does not accept any responsibility for behavior of both customers and agents.

The only things the Platform does guarantee are:

A.    Connecting parties, 

B.     Transferring prepaid amount into Agent's account upon the order is completed, and

C.     Refund of prepaid amount in the case the order was not delivered in force of ANY reason in 1 day after agreed date of delivery. In the last case the agent cannot demand any payment for the goods he bought. 

Risks of Agent​

1) Medical risks. The agent may be contaminated in the process of buying goods for customers.

2) Risk to be unpaid. It is cannot be excluded that if the order was not prepaid the customer may change his mind and reject accepting the ordered goods (and paying).  

3) Risks of malfunctioning of third party payment providers like PayPal. This is very small risks that however cannot be excluded: PayPal will not execute or will delay the transfer from the Platform's account into the account of the agent. Under the present conditions of uncertainty this risk cannot be excluded completely. ​

Risks of Customer

​1) Medical Risks. There may be the virus on packages. This is a customer's responsibility to quarantine the goods, which may be stored without fridge, and disinfect ones that cannot (with soap or 70% alcohol).

Besides the agent may be contaminated and it is necessary to minimize physical contact between customer and agent. All conversation to be by telephone/WhatsApp only. The possible scheme of receiving the goods has to include  the following actions of customer:

  •          wearing gloves, 

  •          transferring the goods into the place where they will be quarantined and disinfected,

  •          checking the goods,

  •          disinfecting the goods and the gloves, and (if payment is in cash)

  •          leaving the payment in envelope in the place  where agent may pick up the envelope. ​

2) Risk of Crime. Although we take all reasonable measures to keep the platform as clean of crime as possible (e.g all agents are obliged to provide valid ID, proof of resident address, log book of car and picture with ID.), nevertheless we cannot guarantee 100% cleanness. This is one more reason why customers must minimize their contacts with delivery persons. We inform the customers about all data, which are may be useful for making decision of accepting the order of specific person, e.g. the number of orders executed, the rating, the data provided by the agent like memberships, certificates etc. However the final decision is made by the customers and we cannot take the responsibility for  the consequences of this decision

Please note also that starting use the platform you accept the Terms of Use below.

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy 


I. Parties

        Platform, We

        Customers who order buying and delivery goods, Customers

        Agents who bought and deliver, Agents

II. Operating


a. Registration


Both customers and agents register on Platform. The agents provide the documents confirming their integrity. Platform studies the information/documents that were provided by the applicants and approve the applicants in own discretion. Interview with applicants through WhatsApp may be necessary for making final decision.

b. Ordering


The customer places the order: what he needs and when, how he will pay, prepay by credit card into Platform's PayPal account or pay to agent upon delivery


c. Offering

The agent reads the order and places the offer, what he may buy, what not, what alterations are possible etc, when deliver, and how much it will cost


In his offer the agent writes what he will buy for sure, what he cannot guarantee (e.g. brand), what he cannot buy, in what form he want to be paid (through platform or by cash upon  delivery).


d. Accepting and Paying


The customer accepts the order and prepays the order completely or pays commission of the Platform only.

e. Buying and Delivery


The agent buys and delivers the order.

f. Receiving and Closing Order


Upon receiving the order The customer pays to agent or inform the platform about closing order, rates the agent and leaves comments.

g. Keeping records and transferring funds


The platform finalizes the order and update the information about the agent. If the customer prepaid his order, upon closing the order the Platform transferred money in PayPal account of the agent.

III. Responsibilities

The main responsibility of agent is to buy and to deliver the order. The main responsibility of customer is to accept the goods and to pay.


The agent must makes pictures/videos of trade receipts, delivered bags etc to provide them in case of disputes.

The same must be done by customer if he is not satisfied.  


The Platform does not accept any responsibility for behavior of both customer and agents. The risks of inappropriate behavior of customer or agent are taken by agent or customer, correspondingly.


The Platform does guarantee only:

1.      Connection of parties, 

2.      Transferring prepaid amount into PayPal account of Agent upon the order is completed, and

3.      Refund of prepaid amount in the case the order was not delivered in 1 day after agreed  date of delivery because of ANY reason. In this case the order will be closed and the agent cannot demand any payment for the goods he bought

The platform is responsible only for the customer's risk of loss money in case of prepayment.  

IV. Risks, which the participants take

The Platform tries to minimize the risks but cannot provide 100% guarantee of integrity both all customers and (especially) all agents. Thus everybody uses the Platform on own risks.​

Risks of Agent

​1) Medical risks. The agent may be contaminated in the process of buying goods for customers.


2) Financial risk. There is small probability that if the order was not prepaid the customer may change his mind and reject to accept the ordered goods.  


3) Risks malfunctioning of PayPal. This is very small risks that however cannot be excluded: PayPal will not execute or will delay the transfer from the Platform's account into the account of the agent. Under the present conditions of uncertainty this risk cannot ve excluded completely. 


Risks of Customer

1) Medical risks. There may be virus on packages. This a customer's responsibility to quarantine the goods, which may be stored without fridge, and disinfect ones that cannot with soap or 70% alcohol. Besides the agent may be contaminated and it is necessary to minimize physical contact between customer and agent. All conversation to be by telephone/WhatsApp only. The possible algorithm may be like following: The customer wears gloves and transfers the good into the place where they will be quarantined and disinfected, checks them, disinfects them together with the gloves and (if payment is in cash) leaves the money in envelope in the place  where agent may pick up the envelope. ​

2) Risk of Crime. Although we takes all reasonable measures to keep the platform as clean of crime as possible, we cannot guarantee 100% cleanness. This is one more reason why customers must minimize their contacts with delivery persons. We informs the customers all data about agent which are may be useful for making decision of accepting order, e.g. the number of orders executed, the rating, the data provided by the agent like memberships, certificates etc, but the final decision is made by the customers and we cannot take the responsibility for consequences of this decision. 

V. Personal data

The Platform provides for the customers the non-personal information, which the agent provided about himself and what reputation he has (the date of registration, how many orders he delivered and what is his average rating). Analogically the Platform informs agents about how many orders the customer put, how many offers received and how many offers accepted. 


The only personal data, which the Platform provides to the parties, are ones that are necessary to execute the order like

phone number of customer, address of delivery etc.

Platform may be obliged by law to provide personal data to government agencies.

Platform does not share the personal data with anybody else and does not use the personal data in any way that is not connected with delivery service.

VI. Commissions

The commission of Platform is 5% of the price of order, not less than €5 and not more than €50.​ This commission may be changed at any time without notice.

As an action of generosity and social solidarity the commission of Platform may be suspended by our decision and in our discretion only for the customers who are in difficult financial situation. 

The commissions of PayPal for both prepayment and refund (in case the prepaid order was not executed) are paid by the customer. Commission of PayPal for the amount transferred into account of agent is paid by agent. At the time being the commission of PayPal for all transfers is 35 cents plus 2,9% of the principal amount. 

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