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Different Activity: Infection Rate and Mortality

The data change all time; this is how it is today.

Infection rate (as the number of new cases for the week 15/3/21 – 21/3/21 per 100,000 of population)

Group I ( >500) Estonia, Czechia, Hungary

Group II (250-500) Poland, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia, Montenegro, France, Sweden, Italy, Netherland, Jordan, Palestine, Uruguay

Group III (100-250) Brazil, Austria, Kuwait, Cyprus, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Latvia, Paraguay, Armenia, Croatia, Belgium, Greece, Turkey, UAE, Peru, Lithuania, Norway, Qatar, USA, Germany

Group IV (50-100) Israel, Denmark, Switzerland, Finland, Canada, UK

Group V (25-50) Spain, Portugal, Mongolia

Group VI (10-25) Mexico, India, S. Africa

Group VII (5-10) Saudi Arabia, Iceland, Pakistan, Japan

Group VIII(<5) Australia, New Zeeland, Singapore, Egypt, Vietnam, China

Best are better than worst in more than 100 times.

Mortality (as the number of new cases for the week 15/3/21 – 21/3/21 per 100,000 of population)

Group I (more than 10) Hungary, Czechia, Bulgaria

Group II (5-10) Bosnia, Slovakia, Brazil, Macedonia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Estonia

Group III (2.5 – 5) Jordan, Italy, Ukraine, Peru, Greece, Romania, Albania, Latvia, Palestine, Paraguay, Serbia, Lithuania, France, Mexico

Group IV (1 – 2.5) Croatia, USA, Uruguay, Argentina, Austria, Germany, S. Africa, Netherland, Slovenia, Kuwait, Belgium, Bahrain, UK

Group V (0.5 – 1) Israel, Turkey, Canada, Switzerland, UAE

Group VI (0.1 – 0.5) Spain, Finland, Sweden, Qatar, Japan, Norway, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, India, Korea, China

We observe the most active spot today in Eastern Europe. Italy-France part of Western Europe follows together with Latin America. But what is most interesting is that mortality change in same countries. Eastern Europe in last spring was the zone where the virus's activity was significantly less than in Western Europe.

The second intrigue thing is that mortality are not connected with the level of medicine: Western Europe, or Israel, or US are not leaders comparing for example with Gulf Countries or Indochina.

The paradox hypothesis is that some "Centre of Control" distribute virus between countries and controls its activity. Analysis of dynamics both worldwide and in some countries (like France or Belgium where exponential increase in 1 day became exponential decrease what is absolutely impossible for natural process) only confirms this fantastic hypothesis.



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