5 Mysteries of COVID-19's Epidemiology
Mystery #1. Non-normality
Mystery #2. Sharpness and abruptness
Mystery #3. Ceiling-mirror
Mystery #4. "Mercy"
Mystery #5." Fairness"
To show these mysteries I composed the Table for 185 countries (all data are from Worldometers, https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#main_table and the links from main page to the countries' pages). "Max/day" means maximum new daily cases for all history of pandemic. In cases when these number looks as artefact of measurement (statistic service's procedures) the 7-day moving average were used. "Day max / population" is "Max/day" divided by "Population" multiplied by 1000. "DUDT (Days up-down twice)" contains the numbers of days between increasing curve of cases reach half of maximum and decreasing curve reach half of maximum. This is a measure of sharpness (or non-normality) of curve, the less DUDT the "less normal" curve is ...
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